Monday, November 8, 2010

Proven Great Reasons why you should use the Eco - Washing Ball to wash your clothes

1. Because the Eco -washing Ball does not contain any detergent, there is no remaining chemical detergent residue in the cloth and fiber. Therefore it does not cause any skin trouble to those who may be allergic or irritated by residues that detergents can leave behind in clothes after washing.

2. It protects the oxidation and discoloration of fabric caused by chloride in the city water and helps to retain the elasticity of fabric.

3. The Eco-Washing Ball has antibiotic agents, it eliminates the mould, pathogenic organisms, and unpleasant odours,while it activates water and increases the cleaning power.

4. With these combined functions,it is not necessary to add bleaching agents,fabric
softeners and other washing additives.


  1. If this product can save us so much and also saves the environment, of course people would buy it..

  2. Ive already been using it for 5 months, the only thing we add in is a little of softlan for the smell as we are used to it. We really save a lot in washing using eco-washing ball... Thanks to Paxon.
